The ingredients in Endo4Him have been used for centuries in traditional medicine. In the correct quantities, they stimulate the body's natural internal processes to alter hormone levels towards youthful values.
There are three ways to become testosterone deficient: you don't produce enough, you loose to much, or the testosterone is bound to other molecules and deactivated. Endo4Him has a broad range of ingredients that stimulate your own testosterone production, that limit the conversion to estrogen, that limit the conversion to DHT (an aggressive form of testosterone that is linked to hair loss, heart problems and prostate problems), and that block or break the binding of testosterone to SHBG - a blood protein that limits the bioavailability of testosterone.
In the same way, there are three ways to have too much estrogen: you make too much, you don't metabolize it fast enough and you don't eliminate it fast enough. The second set of Endo4Him ingredients limit the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, improve the metabolism of estrogen, and stimulate the liver to flush estrogen out of the body more efficiently.
A third set of Endo4Him ingredients are targeting prostate wellbeing. They function in many ways. They reduce cholesterol and fat deposits in prostate tissue which are a source of problems. They block hormone receptors in the prostate tissue that would otherwise promote BPH and cancer. Several ingredients have been shown in the laboratory and in tests to fight cancer cells in all development stages: start, growth, reproduction and spreading.